miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021

Bookmarks with idioms

 Para el Día del Libro de este curso, el equipo Clil hemos decidido hacer marcadores con idioms en inglés.

En el vídeo se ilustra el idiom: To let the cat out of the bag , que significa revelar secretos.

Algunos ejemplos de marcadores:
Estos son algunos idioms sobre colores que se pueden ilustrar y escribir en el marcador
(con ilustraciones hechas por alumnado de 1 de ESO):

1. To have green fingers

To be a very good gardener

2. Green with envy

To be very jealous, envious

3. Gray area

Something that is unclear, undefined

4. Black and blue

Describe something that is badly bruised

5. Golden opportunity

The perfect chance

6. Have the blues

Be sad or depressed

7. Black sheep

A person who is a disgrace to a family or group

8. Out of the blue

Randomly, without warning, surprisingly

9. White lie

A small lie that is told to be polite or avoid hurting someone’s feelings

10. Yellow-bellied

A coward

11. Caught red-handed

To catch someone in the act of doing something

12. To be yellow

To be cowardly

13. To see red

To be very angry

14. Green thumb

To be skilled at gardening

15. Once in a blue moon 

Very rarely

16. Take the red eye

A late night flight that arrives early in the morning

17. Tickled pink

To be extremely pleased

18. Pink slip

A notice of dismissal from employment

19. White elephant

An expensive item that is costly to maintain

20. Silver screen

The film industry

21. Blue collar

Working in a manual labor job

22. Black as night

Somewhere very dark, when it is hard to see anything

23. Black eye

A bruise near one’s eye

24. Black out


25. Beet red

Dark red

26. Black and white

Straight forward, very clear

27. The green light


28. In the red

In debt

29. Roll out the red carpet

Treat someone like royalty

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